lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019


Three roles are the most important when building pyramids.
  1. The Base
  2. The Top
  3. The Helper
The boys on red and yellow are the bases. The boy on green is the top.
The helper helps them to make de figure, he is not in the picture.

  • The base: It is a stable, static or dynamic base. Their main features are strength, stability and balance. Their partners must trust and have confidence in the base.
  • The Top: This person is thinner and smaller than the base. Their main features are flexibility, balance and agility. They must be courageous and must trust their partners. They are on the top of the pyramid with a balance or strength position. 
  •  The helper: Their job is to help build the pyramid. They provide security and confidence to partners.
Basic principles related to security:
  • Listen to your partner.
  • Do not jump when climbing up or descending.
  • Check the stability of the base.
  • Helping the person at the top.
  • Avoid putting weight on dangerous areas (backbone).
  • The best areas are the shoulder blades and hip area.

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